Now You Can


Lower Your Cholesterol




Natural Way!



What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found throughout the body that is naturally
produced by the liver and helps to carry fat to parts of the body that need it for energy
and repairs. Foods derived from plants, such as vegetables, do not have any dietary
cholesterol. The liver produces all the cholesterol required by the body, and
excess dietary cholesterol or saturated fats which are turned into cholesterol by the 

liver can cause an increase in serum cholesterol.


What Will Lowering Your High Serum
Cholesterol Level Do for You?

Studies have shown that in adults with high serum cholesterol levels, for

each one percent reduction in total cholesterol levels, there is a two 

percent reduction in the number of heart attacks. In other words, if
you reduce your cholesterol level 15 percent, your risk of coronary 

heart  disease could drop by 30 percent.

Did You Know?


Over Half of American Adults are in the Warning Zone!
Did you know that more than half of American adults have
hazardous blood cholesterol readings over 200? The simple
odds are that you are just one of the 102 million American
adults who live everyday with borderline-high levels of
cholesterol. And you may be one out of every five adults with
hypercholesterolemia, defined as a dangerous cholesterol
reading of 240 or above.

More than 1,000,000 Americans will have a 


heart attack this year!

Your blood cholesterol level has a lot to do with your chances
of getting heart disease. The higher your overall cholesterol
number, the greater your risk for developing heart disease and
having a heart attack. Heart disease is the number one cause
of death in the United States. Each year, more than a million
Americans have heart attacks, and about a half million people
die from heart disease. 

How important is lowering cholesterol?

In a five year clinical study involving over 4400 patients with
heart disease, researchers found that if doctors actively treat their 

patients to lower their cholesterol levels, for every 1000


                    70 of the 210 expected nonfatal heart attacks will

                                                            be avoided

                                                         40 of the 90 people expected to die to heart disease
                                                             will be saved

                                                         60 of the 210 people expected to have heart
                                                            surgeries will not need their operation  




The Natural Solution to High Cholesterol!




How Does beta-S™ Work?

The two food substance of 300mg beta-sitosterol and 30mg citrus 

pectin are known cholesterol lowering agents that, when combined 

together, alter dietary fat and cholesterol absorption. 
Beta-s™ is broken down in the upper intestine within 30 minutes after 

ingestion. The proposed mechanisms of action are:

Intestinal binding excretion of free

       Blocking of absorption sites in the
        intestinal walls.

        An enzymatic shift decreasing liver
           cholesterol production.

            Increased liver enzyme functions on
            the breakdown of fats.





Recommended Usage

The recommended dosage for Beta-s™ is 1-2 tablets 30 minutes 

before a meal or snack with a full eight ounce glass of water.

Beta-s™ should be taken in equal doses at least three 

times per day, whether meals are skipped or not. If a meal is 

especially heavy or fat laden, it is recommended to take 

two or more tablets.



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This NaturalyPure web page is intended for general information and education only and not intended
  to diagnose, cure nor treat any disease. It is not a guide for self prescription. The author or the server
   management accept no responsibilities for the use or misuse of the  information this site contains.
      Information provided here-in by Baywood.
     The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated these statements.