Bringing Good Health Since 1999
Natural Herbal Remedies for Specific Ailments
Int: 1805-434-5444
How to Control Your Bladder
Approximately 20% of the World Population Suffer of Bladder Incontinence.
About 34 Million in the US Alone.
Symptoms Associated with Overactive Bladder (OAB)
Studies show that many factors increase risk. Among them, aging is linked to urinary incontinence. Pregnancy, delivery, and number of children may increase the risk in women. Women who have had a baby have higher rates of urinary incontinence. The risk increases with the number of children. This is true for cesarean section and vaginal delivery.
Women who develop urinary incontinence while pregnant are more likely to have it afterward. Women after menopause may also develop urinary incontinence. This may be due to the drop in estrogen. Taking estrogen, however, has not been shown to assist urinary incontinence.
Men who have prostate problems are also at increased risk. Some prescriptions are linked to urinary incontinence and some may even worsens the condition. Statistics show that poor overall health also increases risk. Diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and smoking are also linked.
Obesity increases the risk of urinary incontinence. Losing weight may improve bladder function and lessen urinary incontinence symptoms.
The symptoms of overactive bladder can vary from person to person. Most common symptoms include:
Urgency: A strong and sudden need to urinate with an inability to delay it. This is a defining symptom of OAB.
Frequency: People with OAB have the need to urinate more frequently than the average person. The average to urinates is 6 to 8 times a day, and once at night. Those with OAB tend to urinate over 8 times a day, and several times at night.
Incontinence: This symptom is defined as the involuntary loss of bladder control, leading to leakage.
OAB can impact quality of life. The condition may affect work, social life, and sleep. Treating symptoms early is advisable to successfully manage the condition.
Chinese Herbalist Formulated a Remedy Named Gosha-Jinki-Gan that has Received
Positive Clinical Reports in China and Japan.
We gave it the Western Name of
Bladder Regulator
The Bladder Regulator (Gosha-Jinki-Gan), consists of a blend of 10 precious herbs and is one of the most studied herbal remedies.
Clinical evaluation by Japanese researchers after 6 weeks of treatment; efficacy, safety, and tolerability were assessed.
Concluded that significantly effective in improving urgency, micturition frequency, nocturia, and urinary incontinence was achived
Patients who took Gosha-Jinki-Gan daily for 6 weeks went to the toilet less. Several other studies confirm that it lowers the urge and helps with incontinence. The general consensus of the studies show that it may work by stopping nerve signals to the bladder.
The Precious Ingredients
Radix Rehmanniae
Radix Achyranthis
Corni Fructus
Moutan Cortex
Rhizome Alismatis
Rhizoma Dioscorea
Plantaginis Semen
Aconiti Tuber (processed)
Cinnamomi Cortex
The Effective Bladder Control Support
that You were Searching. Order Yours Now!
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NaturalyPure Health Products, LLC Bringing Good Health Since 1999
Order Toll FREE: 1800-900-7724 - International: 1- 805-434-5444
8793 Plata Lane, Atascadero, California 93422, USA - Business Hours: 9:00 to 5:00 PST, Monday / Friday.
*2The statements and claims made about this product have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Results may vary. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, have a serious medical condition, or have a history of heart conditions, you should consult with a physician before using any supplements. The information contained on this web site is provided for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as and should not be relied upon as medical advice. The information may not apply to you, before you use any of the information provided on this site, you should contact a qualified medical health care provider. Using any information provided on this web site, waives any right to make any claim against the author and publisher of the information material used on this web site. Copyright 2019 2025
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