Bringing Good Health Since 1999
Natural Herbal Remedies for Specific Ailments
Jiaogulan (Gynostemma Pentaphyllum)
Discover This Amazing Chinese Herb, Regarded in Asia's as the Longevity Herb
Jiaogulan, which grows wild throughout Asia, has been brewed for a beverage and used as in the southeastern provinces of China for centuries. It is a popular herb in China, Japan and Thayland because of its effectiveness as a potent vitamin.
Literary reference to the herb dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1368 A.D. to 1644 A.D). In China it is praised as a “Miracle Herbal Vitamin”.
Jiaogulan has shown benefits for heart health, enhancing the muscular activity of the heart and improving overall bloodflow. It also helps to reduce LDL cholesterol, while providing a boost to healthy HDL. Jiaogulan proves a top-rated blood pressure control agent, reducing high blood pressure considerably, it also has liver-protective properties.
As an adaptogen, jiaogulan increases energy, endurance, stamina, and recovery time, while reducing all forms of mental and emotional stress.
Jiaogulan Provides Numerous Health Benefits
NaturalyPure's Jiaogulan
Our Jiaogulan is naturally extracted using only the finest quality, pure fresh Gynostemma Pentaphyllum. Our standardized true spectrum extract provides high active levels of gypenosides, concentrated in the balanced ratio nature intended, without isolating, fractionizing and has absolutely no fillers.
Supporting Benefits:
• Restful Sleep
• Energy/Vitality
• Cholesterol
• High Blood Pressure
• Regulating Heart
• Functions
• Digestion
• Stomach Bloatedness
• Stress
• Anxiety
• Anti-Cancer
• Peri-Menopause
• Anti-Aging
Published Book on Jiaogulan
"Jiaogulan, The Chinese Immortality Herb", Michael Blumert and Dr. Jioliu Liu, have assembled the best source of information concerning the research of Jiaogulan and its components.
This book, available at, contains analysis of over 10 years of study at leading universities and institutions in China, Japan and the United States.
Now 120 Capsules
Fresh 500mg. Jiaogulan Extract Capsules
Jiaogulan should be avoided by pregnant and breast-feeding women.
Order Yours Online Now or Call Us Toll Free 800-900-7724
$19.95 + $3.00 Shipping & Handling
$29.95 - Price Includes Air Shipping & Handling to Any Country
SPECIAL 2 Bottle Offer 240 Caps
SPECIAL 2 Bottle Offer 240 Caps
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You SAVE $6.00!
$39.90 - Includes Shipping & Handling
$53.90 Includes S/H to Any Country
Call us Toll Free at 800-900-7724 International Calls at 1805-434-5444
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NaturalyPure Health Products, LLC Bringing Good Health Since 1999
Order Toll FREE: 1800-900-7724 - International: 1- 805-434-5444
8793 Plata Lane, Atascadero, California 93422, USA - Business Hours: 9:00 to 5:00 PST, Monday / Friday.

*The statements and claims made about this product have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Results may vary. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, have a serious medical condition, or have a history of heart conditions, you should consult with a physician before using any supplements. The information contained on this web site is provided for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as and should not be relied upon as medical advice. The information may not apply to you, before you use any of the information provided on this site, you should contact a qualified medical health care provider. Using any information provided on this web site, waives any right to make any claim against the author and publisher of the information material used on this web site.
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